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Reference FCO 82/273
Department/Office Foreign Office
Title Internal political situation in the USA; changes in US Administration (1973)
Description Report on some views expressed by Congressmen on the racial situation in the US which on the whole gives an encouraging picture. An account of the appointment of Gerald Ford as Vice President. Analysis of the US scene including the energy crisis, President Nixon, the Watergate scandal, changes in the Administration including Kissinger's appointment as Secretary of State and the dismissals of Stoessel, Casey, Willis Armstrong, Sisco, Pearce, Malmgren and Hormats. In external policy, criticism of Europe's alleged giving-in to Arab blackmail and Europe's failure to help the Netherlands, the Middle East crisis and doubts about the Soviet Union and Kissinger's policy of detente. Report on the Presidency and the hearings before Judge Siricia concerning the tapes and the President's Personal Secretary Rose Mary Wards who gave evidence along with Haldeman, and the President's Counsel, Buzhardt, as well as retired Army Officer Butcher.
Date 1973
Collection The Nixon Years, 1969-1974
Region North America
Countries Netherlands, Soviet Union, United States
Places Asia; Britain; Canada; China; Cuba; Dominican Republic; Europe; Geneva; Ireland; Israel; Japan; Kuwait; Mexico; Micronesia; Middle East; Netherlands; Peru; Rhodesia; South East Asia; Soviet Union; Syria; United Kingdom; United States of America
People Anderson, John B; Armstrong, Willis; Burger, Warren Earl; Bush, George H W; Cromer, 3rd Earl of; Daley, Richard; Douglas-Home, Sir Alec; Ehrlichman, John D; Flanigan, Peter; Ford, Gerald; Jackson, Henry; Kennedy, Robert F; Kraft, Joseph; Mills, Wilbur; Overton, Hugh; Richardson, Elliot; Stokes, Carl B.; Wards, Rose Mary; Young, Andrew
Topics Agriculture; Aid; Arab; Arms; Balance of Payments; Black Panthers; British Embassy; Census; Civil rights; Coal; Congress; Crime; Defence; Democratic Party; Department of Commerce; Department of State; Detente; Draft; Economy; Elections; Energy; Environment; FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation); Federal Reserve; foreign policy; Free trade; General Motors; Gubernatorial; Health; Impeachment; Inflation; Japanese; Mid-Term elections; Military Procurement Bill; North Atlantic Treaty Association (NATO); Oil; organisation; Payments; Protectionism; Race; Recession; Republican Party; Saturday night massacre; Senatorial; Shipping; State Department; Supreme Court; Taxation; Taxes; The Nine; Trade; Trade Bill; Treasury; troops; Unemployment; Vice President; Wages; Watergate; Welfare; White House; withdrawal
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